Tuesday, January 15, 2008

cecelia ahern books

Cecelia Ahern books.

its the latest one in store right now.
the one that i bought from Terminal 3.
with the same coverpage as the one you see here

loan by my lovely cousin MICH,
this is the 3rd book.
that i read already
its about imaginary friends.
and the imaginary friend was called IVAN
who fell in love with a mortal.
on his job attachment.
then he learnt that he had to let go of the mortal her loved called Elizabeth
the ending was pretty sad.
but a good book to read!

loan by MICH again [:
this is Cecelia Ahern 2nd book
i'm still in the process of reading it.
but basically,
its about this two bestfriends
who was a guy and a girl
whom moved on with life,
but sadly without each other.
during part of thier lives,
after getting married and all,
they tried to forget each other and not be jealous
both had failed relationships that led to divorce
and when they're divorce, they liked each other.
but in the end, they had to learn that they could only be best friends
and not lovers.
i think the ending is going to be pretty sad,
so tissues tonight!
cause i want to finish the book tonight

the very first book i read.
that made me fell in love with Cecelia Ahern's books.
the very first book she published
and it was given to me by a dear one, Nasriah the gorgeous
loved this book the most apparently
i was moved to tears alot while reading this book
its about this guy who died cause of cancer
he was married
and they both knew that he was going to die
so they spent their last moments together very preciously
though he can't do much being sick
suffering from cancer
but before he died, he planned something special every month for after he died
for his lovely wife
every month, a letter is suppose to be opened by the wife
and she's suppose to do what's asked to do
it was like he read his wife's mind
gosh, every month was special to her.
he even planned a holiday for her.
with her girl friends
i'm starting to bore my readers aye?
so that's the summary on Cecelia Ahern
meeting my gorgeous cousin soon
tomorrow aye

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