there's about to be a what?
i am mad.
like i am suppose to be sad.
like whatev!
ok let me tell you a story.
there once lived a girl.
named faezah and aqilah.
aqilah was close to faezah.
till one day faezah backstab aqilah.
faezah told bad things to people about aqilah.
and aqilah got to know.
aqilah was sad.
and did not talk to faezah.
then one day aqilah found out that faezah message aqilah's friend.
aqilah was quite angry.
then aqilah ask anansa to ask faezah whether it is the truth and anansa dont know what also she tell faezah.
then in between changing of periods faezah came to aqilah table and shouted at her.
aqilah was softhearted and did not say anything.
but then aqilah suddenly cried.
everyone came to aqilah's table.
but aqilah shoo them away.
aqilah dont like attention.
then school bell rang.
school was over.
faezah went to the canteen and started crying.
dont know for what also.
aqilah never scold also.
so aqilah cried again.
cause she is sure that faezah was talking bad about her.
then the next day...
faezah message aqilah.
say aqilah went around telling people about the problem.
but actually it was faezah herself.
cause she was crying.
so aqilah find it lame and heck care.
then faezah keep crying.
but no one cares eventually.
so aqilah also dont care.
aqilah dont blame anansa
but anansa should not say anyhow.
aqilah dont want to forgive faezah.
cause aqilah was shamed in front of the whole class.
and aqilah lived happily ever after with the others in 4/7 and her friends from 4/8 & 4/6
and her other friends lah.
those she know.
now lala is back.
the story was great right.
it happened yesterday
ok and now i am happy.
cause i have friends and family to back me up.
and nasri.
i know you will read this.
am sorry also ok.
ok today had maths test.
cause i hardly do.
it was so difficult
have to study.
i am like so lazy.
and lala loves her sister!
please donte cry anymore.
i love you alot ok.
no matter what.
no matter how much we quarrel.
lala <3s>
tasha my darling breast friend.
think before making decisions ok.
love your breast (:
amelea my breast friend also.
thanks for standing up for me.
without you i dont know what to do.
and last but not least.
thanks farhannah.
for always being there for me!
i love you all alot!!
ok this entry is long and i gtg watch NARNIA!
toodles everyone.