We had PE today...I took my 2.4km..I am sick..But i just went ahead with the running..In the end my chest hurts alot..I drop and cried after running..How stupid of me...I want to thank Farhannah and Tasha alot2 and also Erin,Faezah for helping me..They're the best..Did not want to tell Abdul but in the end he found out through Abang Nazlie..I did not want him to worry..Really..Then today i went to take x-ray..Scary..First time..Then from there followed my mum here and there and now i am home writing blog..
Next week is my mid year..Super scary..Maybe i am too stress..Must relax..My studies are doing fine except for my geography..It sucks totally..How i wish i can drop the subject..I love maths! Not really ar..But i finally know how to do quadratic equations..Abit slow..But finnaly got it..Left with my bearings..Next week gonna stay back with Mr Lim so he can teach me..Yeahs..He is the best..I hope really2 to pass my combined humans and combine science..Yeah so i wont be blogging so much..But will try to update though..
Tasha:If you're reading this..I really am grateful to have found a friend..We will be best friends forever okies..One day we take the card neoprint just the two of us okies..Its a deal..Hehe..I really cannot live without you..Thanks ya...
3/7:If any of the 3/7 students is reading this..I am honoured to be in a great class...I love you guys..Thanks alot for worrying about me yeah...Thanks alot for helping me during the Karimun Trip and especially the climb..Thanks..Love you guys..Muacks..
All my other friends:Well i cannot live without my friends..They are always there to cheer me up..Especially Anansa(She is super funny),Nina(Always there for me),Nurul(Always make me smile),Syadariena(She is cute),Zuraidah,Lyanie,Abang Nazlie(he is the best),and definitely Amelea(She is always2 there for me) and all my other friends..Love you loads..Without you guys i am nothing..Thanks..
Modern Dance people: Man i love you guys..Miss dancing with you..Cant wait for the barbeque and start dancing again..Hehe :) You guys rawks..Take care okies..
My sister and brother:Thanks Isaac for making me cards to brighten up my day..I love you..And thank you kak yana for caring for me..In return i will lend you my hp till Sunday...Okies..Love you loads..
Darling:Thanks for caring about me..I really want you by my side always..But it cannot happen now so just wait okies..I will always remember you always..Love you..
Got to go already..Love you guys loads..Including my cousins and all that is related to me..And all the teachers and basically everybody..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Aqilah Oreth
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Karimun Photos!!

Farhannah,Faezah,Me and Anansa at the arrival place of Tanjong Balai Karimun :)

Thiyagaraj,Anansa,Farhannah,Faezah and me having breakfast at the school :)

The class that we taught..Boy they are cuties.. :)

Me, myself and I in my hotel room in the night of Thursday.. Just bath so i smell good...Going to Dedi's kitchen after that.. :)

Faezah,Me and Sharon before going out to Mount Jantan :)

Me and Farhannah taking picture with the bus..Hehe.. :)

Me and Anansa with the few instructors :)

Vicky,Sathish,Thinesh,Farhannah,Leong Kiat,Me and Satheesh at the boat..Whee :)

Leong,Anansa,Mr Gerad,Faezah,Me,Mr Peter and Farhannah the retarded people taking photos..Hehe :)

Isaac,Kak Liyana,Ella,Me and Fiqrish taking photo at home.. Cute aren't we? Hehe :)

Modern Dance people..Before SYF...Yeahs..We Rocks..Hehe :) We're the best!!
Farhannah,Faezah,Me and Anansa at the arrival place of Tanjong Balai Karimun :)
Thiyagaraj,Anansa,Farhannah,Faezah and me having breakfast at the school :)
The class that we taught..Boy they are cuties.. :)
Me, myself and I in my hotel room in the night of Thursday.. Just bath so i smell good...Going to Dedi's kitchen after that.. :)
Faezah,Me and Sharon before going out to Mount Jantan :)
Me and Farhannah taking picture with the bus..Hehe.. :)
Me and Anansa with the few instructors :)
Vicky,Sathish,Thinesh,Farhannah,Leong Kiat,Me and Satheesh at the boat..Whee :)
Leong,Anansa,Mr Gerad,Faezah,Me,Mr Peter and Farhannah the retarded people taking photos..Hehe :)
Isaac,Kak Liyana,Ella,Me and Fiqrish taking photo at home.. Cute aren't we? Hehe :)
Modern Dance people..Before SYF...Yeahs..We Rocks..Hehe :) We're the best!!
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Well i am back from Karimun! Well there was basically ok..This is going to be a long entry..
On Thursday:
We reach there around 9 and we stright headed for the Madrasah Tsnawiyah Islamiyah..My group had to teach 2 classes..Well both class was great..Everybody was like asking for number and photo and autograph when we wanted to leave...Hehe :) So we gave some of them..My group..That is Anansa,Farhannah,Faezah and Raj was like ok as the four of us were the only malays and so we were lucky..Many other groups ask for help from us..So yeah we helped and went to other people class..We then headed to Dedi's Kitchen to eat..The food was damn nice..But i dont really eat much..So yups then we headed to the hotel to refresh..My hotel room was 5524..I slept with Faezah..Just the two of us..Yups..Then in the afternoon around 4 we went to another government school to play basketball and volleyball..Then we left that school around 6.30..Headed to Dedi's Kitchen again to eat..Nice..Then from there we went back to the hotel..We had to finish our reflection before we could go and shop..Everybody is like too rich..They bought loads of things..Me? Just bought a few things..Basically nothing to buy there..Then we went back to the hotel at 10.40..Straightaway ran up to watch my malay show then everybody was like making noise outside.So went outside to see and some of my friends came on..Just then the whole plsce went dark..Argh,,I was just about to sleep.Then the one sitting at the bottom of my leg, they slept at my leg..Ouch..Then Leong and Faezah and me went out together and then my leg was caught on the blanket..Damn it..Then after 3 mins the light came back and the teacher scolded us cause everybody was like screaming..Then i and Faezah went back to my room, off the tv and went to sleep..We slept at 12..
Woke up at 5.30..Got ready then headed to the hotel lobby to have our breakfast...Till 7.30..Then we headed to Mount Jantan..We wenr up the mountain and phew it was pure hard work...Damn tiring..But managed to go up..With the help pf kaartigayan,Sathish,Pamela,Qing Xiu and Alannuo..Thank god i reached the summit..Then we had to go down...It was more difficult..But i managed to do it..Leong,Farhannah,Anansa,Vicky,Kaartigayan,Keith,Sathish and myself we got lost..With no trainer and no teacher..But we managed to find our way out of the mountain..Yipee..Then from the mountain we had to go to the hotel to check out..We were given half an hour to bath and get ready to go..Well we managed to do that..Then from the hotel we headed to Dedi's Kitchen for the last time..We ate..Then we left..We headed for the port and left Karimun..
Overall the trip is fun..Some did not even want to leave..3/7 survived the Karimun trip..We had fun..3/7 Rawks..
Well now i know my sister doubts me..She hates me..Fine..Just because of HP..Well it is not my fault you lost your hp..Then is it my fault that i cannot lend the phone to you..And i have my reasons for calling him baby..Not for fun..I know my other boyfriend i never call cause they are not..I never copy you or whatsoever when i call Abdul baby..Then if everybody call their boyfriend baby means they are copying you is it? Think properly ar.. Whenever i never help you,you will always say negative things about me..When i help you then you will love me..Whatever ar..I better dont help you right.. Now i know you are not thankful for what i have done..I am really thankful for your help to me...When you dont help me i will not think negatively like you..I know ar..Now i am just a blady bitch to you..And you do not want to be related to me...Its ok..Up to you..
Got to go already..Bye everybody..I will post pics on my next post okies..Take care..Muacks..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Aqilah Oreth
On Thursday:
We reach there around 9 and we stright headed for the Madrasah Tsnawiyah Islamiyah..My group had to teach 2 classes..Well both class was great..Everybody was like asking for number and photo and autograph when we wanted to leave...Hehe :) So we gave some of them..My group..That is Anansa,Farhannah,Faezah and Raj was like ok as the four of us were the only malays and so we were lucky..Many other groups ask for help from us..So yeah we helped and went to other people class..We then headed to Dedi's Kitchen to eat..The food was damn nice..But i dont really eat much..So yups then we headed to the hotel to refresh..My hotel room was 5524..I slept with Faezah..Just the two of us..Yups..Then in the afternoon around 4 we went to another government school to play basketball and volleyball..Then we left that school around 6.30..Headed to Dedi's Kitchen again to eat..Nice..Then from there we went back to the hotel..We had to finish our reflection before we could go and shop..Everybody is like too rich..They bought loads of things..Me? Just bought a few things..Basically nothing to buy there..Then we went back to the hotel at 10.40..Straightaway ran up to watch my malay show then everybody was like making noise outside.So went outside to see and some of my friends came on..Just then the whole plsce went dark..Argh,,I was just about to sleep.Then the one sitting at the bottom of my leg, they slept at my leg..Ouch..Then Leong and Faezah and me went out together and then my leg was caught on the blanket..Damn it..Then after 3 mins the light came back and the teacher scolded us cause everybody was like screaming..Then i and Faezah went back to my room, off the tv and went to sleep..We slept at 12..
Woke up at 5.30..Got ready then headed to the hotel lobby to have our breakfast...Till 7.30..Then we headed to Mount Jantan..We wenr up the mountain and phew it was pure hard work...Damn tiring..But managed to go up..With the help pf kaartigayan,Sathish,Pamela,Qing Xiu and Alannuo..Thank god i reached the summit..Then we had to go down...It was more difficult..But i managed to do it..Leong,Farhannah,Anansa,Vicky,Kaartigayan,Keith,Sathish and myself we got lost..With no trainer and no teacher..But we managed to find our way out of the mountain..Yipee..Then from the mountain we had to go to the hotel to check out..We were given half an hour to bath and get ready to go..Well we managed to do that..Then from the hotel we headed to Dedi's Kitchen for the last time..We ate..Then we left..We headed for the port and left Karimun..
Overall the trip is fun..Some did not even want to leave..3/7 survived the Karimun trip..We had fun..3/7 Rawks..
Well now i know my sister doubts me..She hates me..Fine..Just because of HP..Well it is not my fault you lost your hp..Then is it my fault that i cannot lend the phone to you..And i have my reasons for calling him baby..Not for fun..I know my other boyfriend i never call cause they are not..I never copy you or whatsoever when i call Abdul baby..Then if everybody call their boyfriend baby means they are copying you is it? Think properly ar.. Whenever i never help you,you will always say negative things about me..When i help you then you will love me..Whatever ar..I better dont help you right.. Now i know you are not thankful for what i have done..I am really thankful for your help to me...When you dont help me i will not think negatively like you..I know ar..Now i am just a blady bitch to you..And you do not want to be related to me...Its ok..Up to you..
Got to go already..Bye everybody..I will post pics on my next post okies..Take care..Muacks..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Aqilah Oreth
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Gone tomorrow!!
Well guys..Tomorrow is the day where i will not be in Singapore for 2 days..But please dont ever forget about me okies..
Not really packed yet...Dont feel like going..Haiz..Lost in space..Always daydreaming..Wake up girl..You're going tomorrow..Go pack..That is what my head is saying but i my heart is not saying anything..I am scared to go there..But i will still have to go..
Well everyone..Take care yeahs..Love you guys..And i love you baby...Take care..Make sure you eat..
Got to go already..Take care..Got to pack bag..Byes.
Hugs and kisses,
Aqilah Oreth(Gone till Friday)
Monday, April 18, 2005
Today :)
Well in the morning went to school with stomachache and a flu..Then during assembly i had to run to the toilet with Faezah and guess what we both did? We vomited..Yups..It was disgusting..I vomited water and my sweet..Eeee..Told my darling and you know what he say..So how did it taste..Baddie :'( but its ok..I konw he still care about me..Well then go back to class and vomited again..This time it was just plain water..But it tasted so disgusting..
Just now he sent me home..Yups..We went back with my sis and Abang Nazlie..Then when he reached home he called me to say that he was back and wanted to talk to me for awhile..So i said okies..Then my mum came out and she started screaming at me..So i put down the phone and went to my room as i wanted to study..Then she say i showing attitude and came to my room and ask me what i was doing so i said i was studying and she told me why you studying and i told her ok lah dont need to study..Dont need to sit for mid year..Then she keep scolding me..She said why i so kurangajar in other words so rebellious.And i just kept quiet..Then she say who teach? Abdul ar..I dont like it when she say like that so i told her why must get him involved..Then she walk away..I am sick and tired..I am so stressed up by my work and all this..Trying to do well..Trying to make everybody happy..Well i guess i have to tolerate..
I am going to Karimun this Thursday and Friday..Hope everybody will be ok..Take care yeah ppl..Tomorrow is another day..Trying to go through with all the stress..Hope i can cope and not break down before the mid year..
My daddy is going to be home till thursday where he will go to Bangkok till Sunday..Going to miss him loads..And ya i am confirm going on the 3rd of June to USA..Oh man..Scared..I want my sis to come along but she cant..Well i hope i will enjoy myself there though..But going to miss my baby and my darling sister and all my friends alot..
Got to go already..Bye everyone..Love ya loads..Take care..Muacks..Big hug..
Lots of love,
Stressed Lala
Just now he sent me home..Yups..We went back with my sis and Abang Nazlie..Then when he reached home he called me to say that he was back and wanted to talk to me for awhile..So i said okies..Then my mum came out and she started screaming at me..So i put down the phone and went to my room as i wanted to study..Then she say i showing attitude and came to my room and ask me what i was doing so i said i was studying and she told me why you studying and i told her ok lah dont need to study..Dont need to sit for mid year..Then she keep scolding me..She said why i so kurangajar in other words so rebellious.And i just kept quiet..Then she say who teach? Abdul ar..I dont like it when she say like that so i told her why must get him involved..Then she walk away..I am sick and tired..I am so stressed up by my work and all this..Trying to do well..Trying to make everybody happy..Well i guess i have to tolerate..
I am going to Karimun this Thursday and Friday..Hope everybody will be ok..Take care yeah ppl..Tomorrow is another day..Trying to go through with all the stress..Hope i can cope and not break down before the mid year..
My daddy is going to be home till thursday where he will go to Bangkok till Sunday..Going to miss him loads..And ya i am confirm going on the 3rd of June to USA..Oh man..Scared..I want my sis to come along but she cant..Well i hope i will enjoy myself there though..But going to miss my baby and my darling sister and all my friends alot..
Got to go already..Bye everyone..Love ya loads..Take care..Muacks..Big hug..
Lots of love,
Stressed Lala
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Went out early today..Yesterday slept at 1 and woke up at 9..Phew..Super tired..Shaiful kept me company..He could not sleep also last night..Wanted to call my baby but called to say good night only cause i scared my mummy scold.Hehe..
Now me having a conversation with Nazirul and Sufian..They bully me..Baddie..But they are still my best friend..Big Hug..Hehe..I also chatting with Shaiful,my classmates and not to forget my darling Tasha..Hehe..
Today went to Orchard..Went to Wisma first,then to Lucky Plaza..Then to Takashimaya..Then to Matrina Square..Phew,,
Okies got to go already..Stupid brother want to use the com..Stupid ar he..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Princess Aqilah
Now me having a conversation with Nazirul and Sufian..They bully me..Baddie..But they are still my best friend..Big Hug..Hehe..I also chatting with Shaiful,my classmates and not to forget my darling Tasha..Hehe..
Today went to Orchard..Went to Wisma first,then to Lucky Plaza..Then to Takashimaya..Then to Matrina Square..Phew,,
Okies got to go already..Stupid brother want to use the com..Stupid ar he..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Princess Aqilah
Friday, April 15, 2005
Well modern dance got Bronze..Imagine that..Bronze..Ok ar...Quite happy actually..Better than COP..We put in our effort already..Since this is the results be it..I am not going to be sad but just proud of Modern Dance..Cause has you know..MODERN DANCE ROCKS!! Hehe..Nothing much happen today..Just did my oral..Blah2 and went home with him..
I now know that he loves me lots and i got the bestest friend a person could ever had..Her name is....Tasha..Yups..And definitely Amelea..They helped me alot and i am grateful for that..My darling also stayed with me cause i am sick and he could not go takraw as his daddy dont let him..Good..Hehe..Now me got to go sleep already..Later mummy will nag...
Good job Modern Dance people..We did our best okies..Whatever happens we will always be dancing yeah...Take care and cant wait till the next modern dance practice..Muacks...Love ya guys alot..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Princess Aqilah :)
I now know that he loves me lots and i got the bestest friend a person could ever had..Her name is....Tasha..Yups..And definitely Amelea..They helped me alot and i am grateful for that..My darling also stayed with me cause i am sick and he could not go takraw as his daddy dont let him..Good..Hehe..Now me got to go sleep already..Later mummy will nag...
Good job Modern Dance people..We did our best okies..Whatever happens we will always be dancing yeah...Take care and cant wait till the next modern dance practice..Muacks...Love ya guys alot..
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Princess Aqilah :)
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Sad and Happy..
Long time did not blog due to modern dance training always..Now just came home..
Well today finally we had our modern dance SYF..Woke up at 5..Reach school at 6..Did our make up all that..Reached the kallang theathrein time..It was scary though..Going up the stage..The bright lights..The judges..We were dancing ok..According to Farah..Our mistakes could not be seen...Quite happy that it is over..Today many schools was there..They were fantastic..But there is one school, the teacher is going around scolding my team mates..Stupid person..Well our costume is fabulous..Farah said that we were going to have a chalet..Yippee..Tomorrow is the results..All the tension is on us..We just have to wait..Enough about that..
Quarreling with him again..Haiz dont know what to do..Cried hard last night...Went to Amelea house as i could not stay at home any longer..Then today had headache the whole day.. But bear with it till now..And ya today is our anniversary..
I know i was late..Sorry...But you did not have to put down on me when you called me..Dont call better right..Sorry you had to wait long but it is not expected..The costume came in late and then the manager came..Up to you to do what you want..Well like my sis say you are always giving in to me..I am always in the wrong..Not cut out to be your girlfriend..If you had enough of me and given up on me please tell..
I am really stress i think..I have not been eating well..Did not have a proper meal till today..Always drinking only..Not been sleeping well either..Sleep either at 12 or 1 in the morning..So exhausted...Feel like breaking down..
Well this princess needs a break...Lotsa of it..To be prepared for Mid Year Examination...Or else...She will surely die..
And oh yeah..I am confirmed..Going to USA on the 2nd or 3rd June..Going to miss you guys alot..But will try to update the blog there..
Bye everyone..Take care..Got to go and rest...
Lotsa hugs and kisses,
PriNcesS AqiLah
Well today finally we had our modern dance SYF..Woke up at 5..Reach school at 6..Did our make up all that..Reached the kallang theathrein time..It was scary though..Going up the stage..The bright lights..The judges..We were dancing ok..According to Farah..Our mistakes could not be seen...Quite happy that it is over..Today many schools was there..They were fantastic..But there is one school, the teacher is going around scolding my team mates..Stupid person..Well our costume is fabulous..Farah said that we were going to have a chalet..Yippee..Tomorrow is the results..All the tension is on us..We just have to wait..Enough about that..
Quarreling with him again..Haiz dont know what to do..Cried hard last night...Went to Amelea house as i could not stay at home any longer..Then today had headache the whole day.. But bear with it till now..And ya today is our anniversary..
I know i was late..Sorry...But you did not have to put down on me when you called me..Dont call better right..Sorry you had to wait long but it is not expected..The costume came in late and then the manager came..Up to you to do what you want..Well like my sis say you are always giving in to me..I am always in the wrong..Not cut out to be your girlfriend..If you had enough of me and given up on me please tell..
I am really stress i think..I have not been eating well..Did not have a proper meal till today..Always drinking only..Not been sleeping well either..Sleep either at 12 or 1 in the morning..So exhausted...Feel like breaking down..
Well this princess needs a break...Lotsa of it..To be prepared for Mid Year Examination...Or else...She will surely die..
And oh yeah..I am confirmed..Going to USA on the 2nd or 3rd June..Going to miss you guys alot..But will try to update the blog there..
Bye everyone..Take care..Got to go and rest...
Lotsa hugs and kisses,
PriNcesS AqiLah
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
This whole week has been basically tiring..Modern dance on Monday and Tuesday..Getting our full costume on Monday...Everyday there is basically class test..On top of that i have to do this and that at home..Well to make it shorter i am feeling stress..
Today i did not want to go back with him basically i am scared that he will scold me..I dont know why...But i still went back with him..Quarelling with him..I dont know ar..Basically i dont know anything..I am lost,confused and feeling abit shitty now..I always get scolding from my family..i really2 dont need one from him..Haiz..Tomorrow is another day..I need to go for adventure thingy in school..Tired though..Got a really2 damn headache..I just feel like crying my heart out..Forget it..Dont want to go into details..
Tasha:Please dont do anything stupid..I dont want you to be sad or cutting your wrists cause of a girl..Be strong..You will always have me, amelea and all your other friends..Take care yeah..Love ya loads..Anything just feel free to approach me...
Got to go sleep or do something..Take care everyone..
Depressed Princess,
Aqilah Oreth
Today i did not want to go back with him basically i am scared that he will scold me..I dont know why...But i still went back with him..Quarelling with him..I dont know ar..Basically i dont know anything..I am lost,confused and feeling abit shitty now..I always get scolding from my family..i really2 dont need one from him..Haiz..Tomorrow is another day..I need to go for adventure thingy in school..Tired though..Got a really2 damn headache..I just feel like crying my heart out..Forget it..Dont want to go into details..
Tasha:Please dont do anything stupid..I dont want you to be sad or cutting your wrists cause of a girl..Be strong..You will always have me, amelea and all your other friends..Take care yeah..Love ya loads..Anything just feel free to approach me...
Got to go sleep or do something..Take care everyone..
Depressed Princess,
Aqilah Oreth
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